Sequels are almost never a good idea. Rarely is the sequel better than the original. Most of the time it's worse, much worse. Here is a short list of some that should've never been made.
Home Alone 2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II
What the hell made them think that they could make a sequel and not include Casey Jones? Casey Jones played a pretty crucial role in the first movie. He saved Rapheal's ass, he rescued Splinter, and he murdered Shredder, by turning on that compactor. By the end of the movie he was banging April O'Neal. So what happened with that? Did they have a falling out? Was sharing a one bedroom apartment with four six foot tall turtles, and a rat too much for their relationship to flourish? We'll never know, because it was never explained, and it pisses me off. Instead they tried to replace him with Keno. Keno sucked, and was a novice at karate, at best. I'm not saying, that this movie shouldn't have been made, I just think it should've been done differently. The first one was edgy and dark, and this one was cartoonish and corny. Unless you think a climax of the gang, battling an autistic Wolf and a gay Snapping Turtle, at a Vanilla Ice concert is entertaining. On second thought, who am I kidding? This movie was awesome.
Toy Story 3

Batman and Robin
Things about this movie that were cool - That Smashing Pumpkins song from the soundtrack
Things about this movie that sucked - Everything else
Movies with Arnold Schwartzeneggar are usually unintentionally funny, but this one is different. They tried way too hard with the script, and one bad pun after another combined with acting, worthy of a local car dealership commercial, makes you cringe over and over again. I would rather eat a bucket of thumb tacks, than watch this again. I heard that George Clooney is so ashamed of this movie, that he will gladly pay back anyone who bought a ticket with a full refund. I'm surprised this film didn't end Clooney's career, like it did Chris O'Donnell and Alicia Silverstone's. Arnold kept his career alive and prosperous, but that's because he's an enigma. He was the Terminator, and that makes him cool for life. There is literally nothing, that he can do that will ever change that. The guy starred in "Jingle all the way" and "Batman and Robin" in consecutive years, and what was the aftermath of it? He was elected as governor. He could've showed up at the primaries dressed as Mr. Freeze, while muttering things like "Everybody chill" and "Cool it", and people would've just been like, "Oh it's cool. He still has my vote."
The Butterfly effect 2
I never even watched this movie, and didn't have too. They made a sequel to The Butterfly effect. That is all you need to know.
Teen Wolf Too
How much of a rut does a Hollywood studio have to be in, before somebody actually suggests that they make another Teen Wolf? The second time around, the main character is Jason Bateman. He is recruited to the college basketball team, despite his complete lack of athleticism. Bateman, who is the original Teen Wolf's cousin, goes to a dance, and dances with a hot chick with huge boobs. A normal dude would just have to worry about getting a boner, but Bateman was anything but normal. He turns into a wolf, and everybody freaks out. Then just like in the first one, people adjust to him being a werwolf unusually quickly, and he becomes the big man on campus. Then for some reason he joins the boxing team. We're talking about the most nonathletic looking dude ever, that was there on a questionable basketball scholarship to begin with, joining the boxing team, and becoming a star boxer. Why boxing? It doesn't make any sense, but then again nothing about this movie made sense.
Scream 3
Horrific scenes occur on the set of a horror movie about a horror movie within a horror movie. Poor Sidney Prescott can't seem to catch a break. She's having nightmares, seeing her mom's ghost everywhere, and people are still trying to kill her. Not to mention, the fact that she has no friends, and she's kind of a stupid bitch. I honestly don't know what's scarier about this film. The unconscionable predictability or Courtney Cox's haircut. Spoiler alert, when the music starts playing loudly, the masked guy pops up and kills people. The saddest part about it is that Sidney doesn't die at the end, which leaves the door wide open, for a completely unnecessary Scream 4. I would rather take a Mike Tyson punch to the nads than have to sit through Scream 4. Scream 3 was bad enough. There's a reason Neve Campbell hasn't worked in over a decade.
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