I'm still can't figure out why Super Mario was a plumber. That occupation seemed beneath him. Maybe, it's because he had like a 10 ft vertical leap and ran a 3 second 40 yard dash. Mario was an athletic freak of nature. So, what was his deal? He could've been an Olympic track and field champion. He could've been the greatest basketball player ever. Why did he choose plumbing. I personally blame the athletic director at his high school for not recognizing Mario's god-given talents, and steering him in the right direction. I guess he was hanging with the wrong crowd. Running with the troublemakers and causing ruckus. Luigi might have been a bad influence on Mario. Either that or Mario was on performance enhancing drugs. I've seen how he gets when he eats the star. Actin all crazy.......doing backflips, punching bricks, and running through turtles. Maybe he failed a drug test and got kicked off the team. Then he turned to a life of crime. Even though he was trying to save the princess, he did some illegal shit. He kept stealing all those coins, and murdering all those innocent goombas. They were just trying to cross the street. It makes me sad thinking about all that wasted talent. He had amazing potential, but he flushed it all down the drain. The only good thing I guess, is that if the drain gets clogged he'll be there to fix it.
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