Netflix recommended me this movie based on the fact that I liked Mr. Deeds. While I don't agree with that logic, I still decided to give it a shot. Bradley Cooper is in it. He's the protagonist. You know who he is right? He's the annoying guy from Wedding Crashers, or one of the four annoying guys from The Hangover. In this movie he's an aspiring author, as well as a downright loser. You could describe him as a drug addicted unemployed alcoholic. He is in the midst of an intense writer's block, mainly due to the the fact that he is a drug addicted unemployed alcoholic.

He bumps onto his ex-brother in law in the street, and gets offered this new revolutionary mind bending drug. His ex-brother in law is the reason the word douchebag exists. He looks like he just spent all night at a nightclub slipping roofies in underage girl's drinks, and bragging about how he partied with Charlie Sheen one time. He tells Bradley Cooper that this magical pill known only as NZT will solve all his problems. Cooper tries it out, because......Why the hell not? After all, he is a drug addicted unemployed alcoholic. What does he have to lose?
Two minutes after popping this pill, and he's banging his landlord's wife. He then writes his book in like 45 minutes, cleans his entire apartment, and learns six different languages while running a marathon. It was the single most productive day of Cooper's life, or a slow Tuesday for Chuck Norris. He wants more NZT. He wants a lot more. He realizes his capabilities on this drug are limitless. Cooper discovers his ex-brother in law had been murdered, and scours his apartment for more NZT. He finds a huge bag of it, and his crazy adventure begins.
Argh Argh Argh |
NZT transformed Cooper into a supernatural being. It's like if you fed an Encyclopedia an entire bottle of Cialis. He had a raging knowledge boner, and it turned him on. Wait, that was stupid. I'll rephrase it. Imagine if the average human brain was a Model T Ford. Cooper's brain was like the Titanic, before it sunk of course. Don't focus on the negative aspects of the ship. The Titanic was a beast. That thing sailed at 21 knots an hour, which is the equivalent of like 150 miles. I think, I don't know maybe not. I don't have NZT, so it's tough for me to explain it. Cooper's brain was like a Binford tool. It just had more power. Ahh, There we go. That made sense I think.
My boy's wicked smart |
He used it to his advantage of course. First he good will hunting'ed this stock broker at some party, and gets offered a job as a result of it. He then began dominating Wall Street like an 18 year old Dominican in the Little League World Series. It's wasn't even fair. Next thing you know he's working side by side with Robert Deniro.
( who by the way looked old as hell in this movie. He must be like 80 now. I forget sometimes that famous people age. It really seems like some of them don't though. I guess it could just be CGI. Like in Benjamin Button when they made Brad Pitt look like he was 15. I wonder if Wheel of Fortune does that with Vanna. She hasn't aged in like 20 years. I wonder if she's even alive still. She could've died a while ago, and they just used a hologram of her in front of the wheel. Those holograms look way too real. The hologram Tupac from Coachella freaked me out. Did you know that thing is going on tour now? That's weird, Right?)
Deniro's character is like a Warren Buffet type. A super rich old dude with a large investing firm. He is super impressed by Cooper, and hires him as an advisor.

Now he's basically the smartest man in the world, and he's making millions. The only problem is that the people that killed his ex-brother in law are now after him. Add the fact that eventually he is going to run out of his pills, and....yeah maybe it's not all as good as it seems. He offers to pay a chemist 2 million dollars to try to replicate the formula for the NZT and make him more pills. I didn't quite understand that move. He was the smartest man in the world. You would think that he could just pop a NZT, and in now time be able to figure out how to make more NZT. Not a smart plan, considering how smart he was. Towards the end he is nearly murdered by this KGB guy that he took out a loan through. Cooper paid him back, but now the KGB guy wanted all his NZT. Not a smart move getting involved with this guy in the first place. Another foolish decision by the world's smartest man. He does however manage to escape from that situation.
Next thing you know, it's like a year later, and Cooper is still going strong. He's running for Congress, and has clearly found a way to get more NZT. He's back together with his girlfriend, and everything seems to be working itself out. Oh, also he killed some chick like halfway through the movie. I forgot to mention that earlier.
Overall it was a fast paced entertaining movie. I give it a 2.6790954 on a scale of 1 - Pi
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