Saturday, April 23, 2016

Restaurant reviews part 4

Costco food court:

Pros. $1.50 Hot dog/soda combo

Cons: $30 for Prilosec that you'll need afterwards 

Costco is one of the most unique shopping experiences you'll ever have. They have things you never knew you needed, but they also move entire aisles every 12 minutes, so good luck locating what you came for. Looking for barbecue sauce? You won't find it in the condiment aisle. That's where it was yesterday.
Today it's up front by the TV's. Tomorrow it will probably be by the milk cooler. Or it could be in the automotive aisle. No one really knows for sure. Can't find that brand of cheese you really liked? Might as well impulsively buy a kayak while you're looking for it. I'm sure it will fit in your Geo Metro. Just ask someone to load it for you. It's impossible to get out of that place without spending at least $100. You can come in to buy a loaf of bread, and somehow wind up leaving with a 12 pack of grand pianos. Needless to say, a stressful shopping experience like that can cause you to work up quite the appetite. Luckily for you, Costco has a food court. Giant slices of pizza, churros, berry smoothies, and their trademark $1.50 hot dog/soda combo, headline their incredibly affordable menu. The best part is, you don't even have to be a Costco member to eat there. You can just pop in at anytime for a cheap lunch. The quality isn't the greatest, but given the cost, it's a pretty
damn good value. I mean, I guess it's OK, as long as you don't wind up eating there multiple times a week for ten years. Otherwise you may get burnt out. 5/10 

Fuzzy's Taco Shop: 

Pros: Taco Tuesday

Cons: Taco Tuesday is only once a week

If heaven exists, it comes in the form of a taco shop. This place is legit. The ground beef tacos are off the chain. The chicken tacos are off the chain. The nachos are off the chain. There are very few items on the menu that are actually still on the chain. My personal favorite are the crispy ground beef. I had some the other day, and as I bit into one, the shell completely crumbled on me, as taco shells are wont to do. It was a mess. A decent amount of taco filling had spilled onto the table. Without hesitation I instinctively ran my hand across the table, scooped it all up, and licked every last delicious drop off of my fingers. While sloppily devouring table meat like some kind of savage, I noticed another patron a couple tables up, watching the whole humiliating process. Feeling slightly embarrassed to be caught eating like an infant, I hung my head in shame. But then after a few moments I looked up, and saw that same patron still looking in my direction. He was also holding his taco in the air, and nodding his head in approval,  as if to say, "It's OK taco buddy. I would've done the exact same thing" 

The tacos are really good you guys. 9/10

Buffalo Wild Wings:

Pros: Great place to watch a game

Cons: Biweekly douchebag conventions for UFC 

You won't find a better place to watch a game. Buffalo Wild Wings has large projection screens on nearly every wall, cold beer, and a variety of delicious wings. One thing that needs improvement though is the staff's awareness of what's going on in the sports world that day. Granted this varies from location to location, but sometimes you'll come in to watch an important game, and 16 of the 17 TVs are on The Golf Network or The Game Show channel or something. Then you spend the next twenty minutes waiting on your waitress to find a manager to change the channel, when the TVs should've been on that channel to begin with. I mean, why do you think people are here anyway?  No one leaves their house, and meets up with friends at a bar to watch "Lets make a deal" Despite these mishaps, BWW is still a lock as the go-to establishment for sports viewing. Unless you go on a Saturday night. Saturday night is UFC night. Which means the bar gets overrun by loud, annoying, Affliction shirt wearing douchenozzels, who have never been in a fight, but are somehow fight experts. You can try to ignore these clowns, but it's simply too much. Plus the Axe Body spray they've doused themselves in, is hurting your nose, so you can't really taste your wings. So do yourself a favor and come on a night when you can taste them. Because they taste pretty good. 7/10

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