Friday, January 17, 2014


You know those days when you're alarm clock goes off, and you feel like throwing it out the window, hoping that a garbage truck will then drive over it, crushing it into tiny bits and pieces, so it can never bother you again? You know the days I'm talking about, right? Those mornings where your bed couldn't be more comfortable. When you can't tell where your body ends, and the blankets and sheets begin. You're all just intertwined as one, in a magnificent cocoon of coziness, the likes of which you could stay in until the end of time. You know, those days.

You reluctantly rise from your glorious slumber, and shamble through the monotonous routine, that is getting ready for work. You no longer have time to make a lunch, since you hit the snooze 3 times, and now you're sorting through the dirty laundry, looking for a clean enough shirt to wear, because you forgot to put your clothes in the dryer the night before. Eventually you get in your car, rocking the same shirt you wore the day before yesterday, hoping no one would notice, and you begin your morning commute without even turning the radio on. Instead you just sit in silence, and start cursing the whole way there. It's pretty clear that today it's not going to be your day, and on top of that you're headed straight towards a huge traffic jam on the interstate.

"Why did I ever leave my bed?", you ask yourself. "How am I ever going to make it through this day?"

You need energy, and you need it fast, because there's no way you'll be able to sit through one of your asshole manager's meaningless briefings, or have the patience to tolerate another one of your co-worker Cindy's stories about her son's soccer team. Not without the aid of some high powered caffeinated beverages, but which beverage do you choose? Coffee isn't going to do the trick, and sure you could opt for a sugar-loaded energy drink like Monster or Red Bull, but then later in the day you're left with that 2:30 feeling. So how do you deal with the afternoon sugar crash? More sugar only prolongs your fatigue, and 5-hour energy sucks. The answer?

ZIPFIZZ   Once consumed, these powder energy drink mixes increase daily productivity by 150%, according to the statistic I made up just now. Simply mix one tube into 16-20 ounces of water, drink, crush the water bottle on your forehead, and go from feeling like a 4 cylinder, to feeling like a V12, 800 horsepower, turbo-charged,  Argh Argh Argh Argh!

These delicious, low calorie, vitamin infused, tubes of palatable powder, make you feel like a new person. Think, Super Mario after he eats the star. You'll feel invincible. No more being timid around turtles either, oh no! You'll have the confidence to run through them, maybe even while doing a flip simultaneously.

The Fizz, as I call it, invigorates your mind, giving you not only energy, but also mental alertness. Now, all of a sudden, Cindy's story about her son's soccer game is completely tolerable.

"How many goals did Cody score?" , you'll ask her.
"What about assists?"
"Did he play Forward or Midfield?"
"Whose mom brought orange slices?"

You dominated that conversation. Hell, everything becomes easier with the influence of Zipfizz.
Need some energy for a workout? Pop a Fizz. Have a hangover? Pop a Fizz. Looking for something to do after you pop a Fizz? Pop another Fizz.

It's pretty simple really. Zipfizz contains a shitload of B-12, and no sugar, which translates into an all-natural healthy pick-me-up at any time of day. Even those days when it's tough to get out of bed. You know the days I'm talking about, right?

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